6/4/2008 - US DOJ released “Advanced Text” of their Proposed Rule to revise the ADA Standards and Regulations for Titles II & III.
The documents are temporarily available in PDF & HTML versions at: http://www.ada.gov/NPRM2008/ADAnprm08.htm.
According to the DOJ Notice:
The Department cannot accept comments on the Department's proposals through http://www.regulations.gov/ until they are published in the Federal Register. Once they are published, interested parties will have sixty days to comment on them. Although the text that is published in the Federal Register may have slight variances in font, punctuation, and format from the advance text, there will be no substantive changes in the Federal Register text from the advance text. The Department will update its ADA website at http://www.ada.gov/adahom1.htm and provide notice of the publication date in the Federal Register. At that time, the Department will remove the advance text from its website and replace it with the published version of the Department's proposals. The regulations will also then be available at http://www.regulations.gov/